
Better Grades

Test prep

Get Higher Scores on the SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP (Advanced Placement), as well as other standardized tests. We don't just teach test strategies and techniques, we ensure mastery of the academic concepts.

We vigorously assess and develop a customized plan so that your student achieves their target test score!

With the best teachers and tutors in the industry, our expert tutors are dedicated to helping students be more successful academically and boosting test scores!

Mission Statement

Respect, commitment, experience

Advantage Tutoring was founded after nearly twenty years of Tutoring and Test Prep experience where we fine-tuned what works best for students.  Our aim is to improve their understanding of their academics, increase students' confidence and reduce stress levels, while keeping students accountable. We offer a personalized regimen for your student.  The results: are a significant score increase on test day.

Our tutors each have significant tutoring and teaching experience, extensive training of our proven Learning & Test Review methodology, we assess and then quickly target each student's areas for improvement and create a customized, stress-free tutoring regimen.  Each student is unique, and our tutors create personalized study materials for the different learning styles.

Advantage Tutoring

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